How (physically) affectionate are you

This quiz has 10 questions, and will determine how touchy feely you are. Share to your family and friends and see how they score. Use it to help you understand boundaries or wants for physical contact between you

Answer honestly, and if you do not know, try to remember what you would do in these scenarios/ what is the ideal [__]For you. Make sure to have fun and remember your traits, and accept who you are

Created by: IdkMyName
  1. What do you prefer on a date
  2. How often do you hug people
  3. How would you react if some random person in public saw you crying. You never saw him/her until he/she suprised hugged you. What is your reaction
  4. How do you show love to your family members and lover
  5. What is your overall opinion on physical touch
  6. How do you feel when you go a long time without physical affection
  7. Ok, You have dealt with the lack of touch, and finally you can have some. What form of touch do you want
  8. What are your thoughts on a professional cuddler?
  9. How affectionate do you consider yourself
  10. Thoughts on using weighted blankets, listening to asmr, and using many pillows to cuddle with when touch deprived?

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Quiz topic: How (physically) affectionate am I
