are you an average military family?

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this quiz is to see if you are the average military child. and if you are not... i have one immediate reaction. Lucky...!! i'm a military child and these questions are based on my life, and that doesn't reflect on yours.

I hope you enjoy this quiz. if the score wasn't as you wished it'd be... you can always... and i mean always, redo this quiz. If you are a military kid. I can share the happy impatience of April 15th!

Created by: Maddie
  1. do you move a lot?
  2. how long is your mom and/or dad at work?
  3. do you do hero squad?
  4. do you hate moving a lot to different places?
  5. how many places have you moved?
  6. what is the job of your parent(s)?
  7. what's the average of staying at a station, not involving recruiting?
  8. does this toughen you up
  9. what does the average military force go on?
  10. last question. are you a toughened up child? (physically and emotionally?)

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Quiz topic: Am I an average military family?
