Time Less Love part 2

Ok if you didn't take quiz one go take it right now because you might be a bit lost when you take this quiz so take the first quiz you have to do these in order take, TAKE IT NOW!!!!!!! Ok so on the last quiz you were kidnapped to a strange place and you are trying to find out what's going on, there are 4 guys with you now
(Guy 1) Is Drake the really cute goth/emo looking one he's in all black with black hair over part of one of his eyes his is really shy (Guy 2)Adam he's Henry's fraternal twin(twins that don't look alike) and they are both total girl chaser or should I say they girls usually chase them, so they bother have huge egos, Adams the sandy blond haired one with freckles that are just too adorable to not notice, he's the sporty one (Guy 3) Henry he's the fraternal twin of Adam(twins that don't look alike) like his brother the are both total girl magnets with big egos. Henry's the one with brown hair and dimples to die for, be careful around him and his brother (Guy 4) Ethan he's the tall muscular, quiet, strong, and the smart one ,and the fact you stood up to him gives you total respect