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This is not a quiz. This is so I can level up. Please take this quiz, I need to not be a novice T_TI need to write this so I'm gonna spam:qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm


  1. Hello my sweet little potato 🥔
  2. Just to let you know, if you keep choosing the 1st answer, you'll get Result 1, if you keep choosing the 2nd answer you'll get Result 2, etc.
  3. How are you?
  4. Do you post on the GTQ forums? (If so, could you please talk to me? ^_^ xD)
  5. Lala la la LAAAAAAAAAaaaaAAAAAA
  6. What is your opinion on politics?
  8. Qwerty
  9. I'm not entirely sure what to put here
  10. There'll be 15 question, GTQ likes long quizzes
  11. Nvm, there'll be 12 questions
  12. Actually, I want 15 questions 😁
  13. You're still here!! 😀
  14. This quiz is almost done!
  15. So, this wraps up the quiz. Thanks for taking it, and have a good day / night 😁

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