Just another quiz

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This is a quiz. Surprising, right? This is just a quiz to help me level up. I need to level up to a junior :D. Thank you for clicking on this quiz. Leave a comment and a green smiley face, and remember to check out my other quizzes! I need to write more in this paragraph to include my quality score. Here goes: Tigers can run fast, but cheetahs run faster. Nobody likes the lion, he's way too selfish and rude. The adults say, 'Why do you and your sibling keep fighting?'. I say, 'We're training to be lawyers.'

Are you on forums? If you haven't already, join my discussions! There are three results to this quiz. Which one will you get? When you're finished, tell me in the comments! Thanks!! I still need to improve my quality score. So, I might just stay here for a while. You can take the quiz if you want, the rest of this paragraph is irrelevant. Monkeys like bananas. Cars pollute the air. Journalists are nosy. Kids have to fix the problems adults made. This is a very good quiz; I mean obviously! Cheese must be a meme by the end of the year.

  1. Hello. Bonjour. Ahoy. Konnichiwa. Hola.
  2. How are you doing on this fine day, my friend?
  3. Yeah. I have no ideas for questions. Do you?
  4. So.... This is awkward.
  5. Are you on the GTQ forums? (If so, please check me out if you haven't already)
  6. What is your favourite kind of music?
  7. I'm literally just trying to fit in a lot of words so I get a good score, making levelling up easier.
  8. What do you rate this quiz so far?
  9. What is your favourite school subject?
  10. A duck walked up to the lemonade stand...
  11. Knock knock...
  12. I did up
  13. Am I cool? B)
  14. Qwerty is my favourite word.
  15. Cheese HAS to be a meme by the end of the year. Do you agree?
  16. What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with a sheep? A woolly jumper! HA!
  17. Bye! Thank you for taking the quiz!!!
  18. You're still here. You can leave now if you want...

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You are viewing the 2nd quiz out of 3 in the set Levelling-up quizzes.

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