What level of maturity are you at right now?

This is for the level of maturity your at.......and so I made it cuz there are like almost no good quizzes out there and I would like to change that...

OH YEAH AND HAVE FUN!!! None of my answers should be taken to seriously but still HAVE FUN and comment and like and smiley face the quiz pleaaaaase. Bye!

Created by: glitterbuttlover
  1. What do you do when angry?
  2. About how much time do you spend on your devices.
  3. How clean is your room?
  4. How many min/hrs do you read per day?
  5. Do you secretly have a crush on someone will dating someone else? Fun fact: My favorite fruit is strawberries
  6. Choose one:
  7. Choose one:
  8. Choose One:
  9. Choose One:
  10. Do you have a phone?

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Quiz topic: What level of maturity am I at right now?
