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Hello, and welcome to this quiz, one of many published on this site. This quiz was created purely to help me level up my alternate account. I apologize for the formal language, and punctuation, but I wish to get high statistics for this quiz, as it helps the levelling up process.

Please take five minutes to complete this quiz. There are fifteen questions. Once you are done, please rate it a big smiley face, and if you are feeling generous, please comment. Or don't. I'm not one to force you to do anything.

Created by: Nico_Di_Angelo
  1. This is the first question of my first quiz on this account. This is my alternate account, because I mainly use my account LittleNerd
  2. This is just a goofy quiz. There will be 15 questions. Or maybe there won't; I'm not too sure at this point.
  3. What do you call a bagel that can fly? A plain bagel. I'm so funny.
  4. Where does Batman go to the bathroom? The batroom.
  5. What do you call an owl that does magic tricks? Hoodini. Don't worry, I don't get this one either.
  6. What do you call a sick lemon? Lemon aid.
  7. What do you call a Frenchman in sandals? Phillipe Floppe.
  8. Why are the frogs so happy? They're gay apparently. Don't ask me how.
  9. Why did the can crusher quit his job? Because it was soda pressing.
  10. What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop
  11. Why can't your nose grow 12 inches long? Because then it was be a foot! (Knee slap, loud cackle)
  12. What's even smarter than a talking penguin? A spelling bee.
  13. How do you count cows? With a cow-culator.
  14. One more question to go!
  15. And the quiz is over. Please rate it a big fat green smiley face to help me level up, and if you're feeling generous please comment. Or don't. At this point I don't care.

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