
This quiz is for those who want to join THE GROUP but don't know if they have what it takes to do so. What does it take to join the group? Let's just seeeee...

Are you qualified to join the group? Let's see if you have what it takes so that we can determine the feasibility of your group acceptance. Not sure what else to explain about this.

Created by: Sana Ali
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're playing volleyball and you miss an easy shot. You clear it up by saying...
  2. It's Friday night, and you're tired, but you get a text for some last-minute plans. You...
  3. You're playing catchphrase with a group of friends, and get the word "Jeep Cherokee". You try to get your teammates to guess it by saying...
  4. You have a few options of movies to watch with a group of friends. You choose...
  5. You've made a spill in your kitchen and need to wipe it up but don't have anything handy to clean up the mess. You yell out for help and request for...
  6. You're out with friends and it starts snowing all of a sudden. You instantly...
  7. It's a bright sunny day and you make plans to go swimming with friends. Once you get there, you immediately...
  8. It's Thursday afternoon and it's starting to get busy at work. You...
  9. You've just opened your inbox and see 20 emails from the same chain. You...
  10. What was your score on the Pakistani quiz?

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