There is no way you can pass this home alone quiz.

Find out how much you really know about the Home Alone movies. You know them, right? Are you sure?

Think you know all there is about Kevin and the rest of Home Alone? This quiz will decide!

Created by: Dax
  1. What were the Wet Bandits "sign"?
  2. What City was Kevin stuck in during Home Alone 2?
  3. What caused the McCalisters to sleep late the FIRST time?
  4. Where were the McCalister's going in the SECOND movie?
  5. What time did Harry and Marv try to rob the McCalister house?
  6. What is the name of the fake movie that Kevin watches in the first movie?
  7. What is the name of the fake movie Kevin watches in the second movie?
  8. What US president appears in Home Alone 2?
  9. What famous Christmas movie are the McCalisters watching on their first vacation?
  10. How many bricks does Kevin throw at Marv?
  11. How many years apart are Home Alone 1 and 2?
  12. What is the name of Kevin's neighbor, who is a rumored murderer?
  13. What does Uncle Frank say to Kevin when he spills milk all over the counter?

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