
There are a fajillion people out there, including you.There are freaks, creeps,beauty queens, smarties, singers, writers, artists, etc. But there's still a very small and well known group out there that you've probably heard- the DORKS...

Are you a dork? Are you a totally pathetic loser that would be way better off living under gravinestone insted? Well, find out now,with Pantene Pro-V Haircare System! Oh, wait-I meant to say: Well, find out now with this quiz!

Created by: Tanya

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Do you know what "Charlie The Unicorn" is?
  3. Do you watch random videos on Youtube?
  4. Do know why you're taking this stupid quiz that some random person (me) wrote???
  5. Do you like hippies? p.s. Peace out!
  6. Do you like Justin Bieber (I meant Beaver...or is it "Dweeber"?...)?
  7. Do you like Converse shoes?
  8. What do you usually wear?
  9. If you could eat any non-edible item, what would it be?
  10. Qwerty!
  11. Are squirrels awesome?
  12. If you could have any super hero name, what would it be?
  13. How do you walk?
  14. What's your favorite color?
  15. ROLF?
  16. Are you cool?
  18. Actually it's not over.

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