Save the writers!

Writers, you guys rock! I'm talking to all the writers out there! Keep trying and you'll get where these writers are! To all the fans, stay true! I really hope you will comment and show the writers some love!

Writers, you guys rock! I'm talking to all the writers out there! Keep trying and you'll get where these writers are! To all the fans, stay true! I just threw all this Together. Its almost 2 am so I'm kinda tired.

Created by: DeathStar321

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay guys and gals, this is for everyone! Amazing writers are leaving to go to Wattpad and the like. But I want them here. Not only because they write, but because they're my friends!
  2. Many people are going to be extremely sad if they leave. So come on all you fans, they have to stay!
  3. Max (aka Cal) Don't you dare leave! If you leave I will become your permanent stalker, you hear? You saw what happened cause you want to leave!!!
  4. Nat, I get that you're upset, but what about your fans that want to retake your quizzes or your future fans that need an amazing story? I think you should keep your profile. We'll all keep an eye out for more story stealers and we'll bring them to justice!
  5. HL, I'm glad that you aren't leaving. If you did I don't know what'll happen. Probably a riot. All I have to say is join this fight to save the others. You're amazing. Stay that way, you hear!
  6. Okay guys, there's a hater on offbeat, Ariel, and she's happy that Max is leaving. She doesn't know how good Max is. So to all the haters out there: Stop your nonsense!
  7. Here's something for Liz_king97. She made a thread in offbeat to show the writers the love. That's why I'm making this quiz. So join us to show the writers that they should never leave!
  8. That's about all I have to say except that you should comment and show the writers some love!

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