The zombie quiz 1

ok i think u thought u where going to do this test and do realy good at this test but u might not have if u didnt do as well as u thought so u should try harder next time

are you a smart person i think you might be but i think you might be a bit of a genius or are you i am not sure it just depends but you should try a bit harder

Created by: stewart
  1. which would you choose as your main weapon
  2. do you have any survival training
  3. where do you live
  4. which would you use as a backup weapons
  5. working in a group is better
  6. have you broken any bones
  7. what vechile would you use
  8. you have been biten what do you do
  9. your best friend is a zombie what do you do
  10. what will you use as a base
  11. do u have any guns or weapons
  12. how many people would you have to work with

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