The Worlds Easyiest Game

Listen, i promise you, this an an easy test, i mean it. Just 10 questions, you should get through it. Try to get between 85 and 100% and you will recive a prize! Nothing...

Hopefully youre not dumb, cuase if you fail this test, i feel very bad for you. This is Really an easy test. if you dont wanna take it, then go someplace where youre happy and free.

Created by: ozzie
  1. Click The Letter b.
  2. What greenish But with more Dimensions?
  3. 2 people ordered pizza, Person #1 order 4 slices but ate 2, Person #2 ordered 8 slices but ate 4. Who ate more?
  4. What is the color of a Red Rubber Ball?
  5. How many questions have you answerd so far?
  6. How many people are in the world?
  7. Wait 12 Seconds then choose the right answer.
  8. Are tomatos fruits or veggies?
  9. Is there such thing as jumpman?
  10. OK, Last Question... What is the biggest country?

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