What Clan cat are you?

This quiz will test to see which cat you are! Nawt telling who, yet! I can probably guess who some of you will get... *cough, cough, Magicyop cough* There are 6 different cats, although I should've made 8.. Heh...

Please don't be offended if you get a cat that doesn't describe you, even not at all! :D I'm not really that experienced, so don't explode! :) (like a toad, in the road, that got ran over by a big load, that couldn't join wands and worlds dot communtity slash node, and because his video game was on hard mode, and he forgot his computer code, and... yeah) So anyway, I hope you get the warrior you want!

Created by: Forestpelt of Forestpeltsden
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You like school...
  2. I like to roleplay because
  3. My favorite color our of these is...
  4. At school(or at home) I...
  5. Gkjdwsfjsoghnisodjisdgjoidsf?
  6. I like...
  7. Someone farts in your class or another place, by you. What do you do?
  8. My favorite thing to so is...
  9. Mafias are...
  10. If I could live anywhere I would live...
  11. The quiz is over, how did you like it?
  12. Oh no, I forgot a few questions!
  13. Do you think Wands and Worlds is the greatest site ever?
  14. Yarp, W&W is the best! :D
  15. Out of these cats, who do you think you'll get?
  16. Out of these cats, who do I waaaant to get?
  17. If you don't get the cat you want, you'll...

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Quiz topic: What Clan cat am I?