the victorious quiz

Victorious quiz basically characters being tested on and your knowlege of victorious this quiz was made by nazanin thank you for everyting amd all ur answres

Questions about songs as well guessing the song lyrics and realtionships and their friendships made in 2022 thank you for everyting amd all ur answres

Created by: Nazanin
  1. who is the main character
  2. How many times did jade and beck break up and got back together
  3. what is robbie puppet surname called
  4. What bouncy shoes does cat wear
  5. What was Jade favourite toy as a child
  6. When trina pretended to be a celebrity what did she pretend to be
  7. Guess the song Give it up give it up you dont have no choice
  8. All I want is everythingYes everything too much is not enoughFinish the lyrics
  9. How many epidoes
  10. Who is the worst singer
  11. How many boyfriends how tori had
  12. What is cat brother name

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