Which Powerpuff Girl Are You?

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Powerpuff Girls is an American animated television series starring a trio of preschool-age girls who possess superpowers. The Powerpuff Girls are the defenders of the fictional metropolis Townville.

According to series lore, the good-hearted scientist Professor Utonium was attempting to engineer perfect little girls in his lab when a mystery ingredient called Chemical X was accidentally added to the mix. The result was the three superheroines, whose round heads resembled powder puffs.

Created by: kat_duh
  1. which color do you prefer?
  2. which hairstyle do you prefer?
  3. which aesthetic do you prefer?
  4. what do people mostly see you as?
  5. what’s your Temperament?
  6. which negative quality do you exhibit more of?
  7. which positive quality do you exhibit more of?
  8. which is your most profound area of expertise?
  9. which role would you take on in a group project?
  10. which disorder would someone most likely *stereotypically* say you have?

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Quiz topic: Which Powerpuff Girl am I?
