The Unforgiven and Unforgotten part 3

Hey guys, alright so the picture has something to do with this part and you'll see what I mean once you read it. I hope you have fun and enjoy this quiz a lot
Here's the guys' descriptions, including White Fang. Shane~ Light brown hair, amazing green eyes, nice tan, nice body, his smile is to die for. He's also a vampire. Drake~ Dark brown hair that's close to black with blonde highlights, icy blue eyes that look like they can see right through your soul, nice tan, lean body and muscles. Werewolf. Omar~ Dirty blonde hair, amber eyes that shine like the stone, amazing tan, fit body and lean muscles. Immortal with powers. Aaron~ Coal black hair, golden eyes that shine like the sun, dimples that makes you smile, amazing body and muscles. Fallen Angel. White Fang~ Black and silver wolf hybrid, one of his eyes is green and the other is blue, he has large muscles for a wolf hybrid that show through his pelt, his personality can lighten up your day.