The Ultimate UDM test!

If you clicked on this, this is about the franchise UPSIDE-DOWN MAGIC. It is set in a world with the powers of shapeshifting, talking to animals, making fire, flying, or telekinises (moving stuff with your mind).

Which power out of these would you have? Or.. DO you have a legitimate power? I know I do-- I control fire! I'm not that good yet but still! So go find out!

Created by: Meggy!
  1. What does UDM stand for?
  2. Did you see the film?
  3. Ever read the books?
  4. Who's your favorite character?
  5. Who's your LEAST favorite character?
  6. Have you ever seen your hands glow?
  7. Have you ever grown whiskers?
  8. Ever moved something with your mind?
  9. Ever thought of an animal, like a cat, and then you see a cat on a walk? (i.e. animals doing what you want)
  10. Ever levitated?

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