The ultimate Truth or Dare quiz

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So, this is "the ultimate truth or dare quiz" and i really hope it lives up to its name. it would really suck if it didn't. What dare/truth do you want to get? ( some are more risky than others). I saw some other quiz makers doing quizzes like this, so i decided to give it a shot. I really hope that some of the people taking this will actually do these truths and dares, it took a very long time to come up with some good ones.

So are you up for this game of Truth or Dare, or are you not. Maybe if this quiz gets really popular, i will make another one, and maybe, just maybe do ALL of the dares. I doubt this quiz will get popular. although once, one of my quizzes (i made it under a different name BTW) got onto the new quiz page. that was really cool. Oh right, the dares and truths and stuff like that. wow! i really need to get back on the right topic!

Created by: Ash Midnight
  1. Truth or Dare?
  2. If you chose truth pick a number
  3. If you chose dare pick a number
  4. do you like egg drop soup
  5. do you like incredibox
  6. what is your favorite video game
  7. do you want to do a dare or truth
  8. if you said no then why are you taking this (just skip if you said yes)
  9. do you like to read
  10. do you have cats
  11. will you actually do a truth or a dare
  12. If you are nervous to do a truth or dare then i will take the quiz and do the truth or dare i get
  13. it is 1:25 where i live
  14. Are you nervous at all
  15. (quoting Incredibox) "Yeah, are you ready"

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