The Ultimate Outsiders Test

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Hi my name is leila I am a 13 year old 8th grade american girl who lives in califorina and who LOVES the outsiders with a passion I thank my 7th grade teacher miss. G I love the outsiders and if you do too leave a comment.

I hope you enjoy the quiz Patrick swayze Rest in peace. C thomas Howell ROB LOWE Ralph macchio Emilio estevez tom cruise Matt Dillon all say hi I'm sure they are proud of all of us.

Created by: Leila
  1. C thomas howell plays.
  2. This was a big break for which actor.
  3. What was sodas horse named?
  4. Who got marsha's number at the movies?
  5. Who was only 13/14 in the first few months of the movie being made?
  6. What happened to the curtis parents?
  7. What was dallys last line in the movie?
  8. What's the first and last word of the movie?
  9. Who is sodas girlfriend?
  10. What color is pony's shirt durring most of the movie?

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