The Outsiders Quiz

This is a quiz to test how well you know about "The Outsiders." You will have 10 questions that you will have to answer but you will have to try to answer them correctly and at the end of the test you will get your score and you will be able to see how well you did on your test. So try you best and don't worry this is a test that is just for fun so have fun on it.

And just try your best and have fun with it because this isn't a competition it is suppose to be fun and to tell you how well you know about the Outsiders.

Created by: Mia
  1. Quizzesmusthavebetween10and60questions.Gotit!Who is the main character?
  2. Who likes to watch sunsets
  3. Why do Cherry's friends call her Cherry?
  4. Who lives on the West side?
  5. Who does Johnny kill?
  6. Who lives on the East side?
  7. Who tells Ponyboy to stay gold?
  8. What do the Curtis brothers eat ever morning?
  9. Who is the first Greaser to die?
  10. Who is the Greaser to shot by the cops?

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