the ultimate doctor who quiz

do you think you got what it takes to test my quiz? well try it out. its my first quiz. it may be easy to some people but like i said,its my first do i hope you enjoy!

do you like doctor who? do you want a quiz about it? well take this one because one,this isnt for me,its for you and two, its my first. so what are you waiting for?!?

Created by: andrew smith
  1. okay welcome to my first ever quiz. alright ill give you an easy peasy. when did doctor who aired?
  2. alright then, when?
  3. okay,they get harder now. how many doctors are there?
  4. when did the 10th doctor last say allonsy?
  5. which of these are not sonic devices?
  6. which is the odd one out
  7. what is the 12th doctors last word to missy in death in heaven?
  8. how many cybermen did missy claim she had?
  9. how many xmas speacials has the dalek's appeard?
  10. what doctor met a fake one in the next doctor?
  11. what does tardis stand for?
  12. who first said wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey?
  13. okay,3 more. which doctor said i started a long time ago?
  14. when was matt smith born?
  15. last one. what was the name of the 50th speacial?

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