The Space Trilogy: What space animal are you?

This is from my book, which is not finished yet but will, I think in about 2-5 years, maybe. But this is a personality quiz, to see which kind of animal in space are you.

There are 7 to choose from, but since you haven't read it, there are descriptions for the animals. My favorite is the Blob-cat though. So, yeah. That's all!

Created by: Gordon Tracy
  1. What is your favorite kind of cat?
  2. What is most like your personality?
  3. Do you like angering people?
  4. Do you like other animals?
  5. Will you accept other's opinions or suggestions?
  6. Do you like cats or dogs?
  7. Do you like flying in a ship or by your own will?
  8. Do you like taking charge?
  9. Do you like destroying things?
  10. Do you consider yourself mean?

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Quiz topic: The Space Trilogy: What space animal am I?
