The Secret Hideout

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Hello, and welcome to the secret hideout. Once you see this message, you have to swear never to tell anyone about this place, for they have to find it themselves. If you want to meet me in here in general, just shout "I LIKE CHEESE" somewhere in The Lounge and I'll be on my way!

Above your quiz there will be two paragraphs that introduce and explain your quiz. Write them here. This says this when you make your quiz. Why we have to do that? Answer: NOBODY KNOWS! Anyways I like to say hi to people reading this, for taking the time to read something completely useless.

Created by: Draobyek
  1. So basically this is for my friends when we want to talk about something private but not in the forums,
  2. Where we'll talk is the comment section on here.
  3. Hello, and welcome to the secret hideout. Once you see this message, you have to swear never to tell anyone about this place, for they have to find it themselves. If you want to m…
  4. I'm useless.
  5. Skip the rest, the rest is useless.
  6. ...
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. And I know I know I know we can be beautiful. I pray I pray I pray for better days. If we changed back then, we can change again. We can be beautiful...

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