the rise of woter snaek, the son of god

the son of god has reached a stage of growth. he must decide what his life goals are. what will he do? You will help him on his journey. Will it be easy?

no one knows their path until theyve reached the end. why do they walk? why does anyone want to reach their goals? wotersnaek is lost. He needs guidance.

Created by: zeronightshade
  1. wotersnaek what do u think of the hooman?
  2. wotersanek where have u been uve been gone for years
  3. woteer snaeske has seen many lands, but has only dreamed of one, what does his dream world look like?
  4. a hooman shoots at wptersnake, gods chosen emissary
  5. hooman is not important to god, wpternskwk
  6. god declares, let the world end
  7. the fools swim the blood oceans
  8. hopmans build anti snake devices
  9. destroy hooman forverr
  10. Marry god?

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