The RiordanVerse Quiz!

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This quiz is about Rick Riordan's books- ALL of them. Random facts about PJO, TKC, HoO, MCGA, and ToA are here, so good luck! (Why does this have to be 150 characters long???)

Even if you haven't read all the books, you can take this quiz. Just don't be pull a Stoll and cheat. (Connor, Travis, I SEE YOU! NO GOOGLING!!!)

Created by: ChildOfHades_714
  1. (ToA) What is the god Apollo's other name?
  2. (MCGA) How many cousins does Magnus really have?
  3. (PJO) [super easy] Percy's favorite food?
  4. (TKC) Who is Julius Kane?
  5. (HoO) Who was the main character in Mark of Athena?
  6. (ToA) Apollo's Master?
  7. (MCGA) Is Fierro a girl or a boy?
  8. (PJO) Who's older- Percy or Ethan Nakamura?
  9. (TKC) In The Serpent's Shadow, what did Carter become?
  10. (HoO) In Blood of Olympus, when the demigods met Nike, what did Leo say were overkill?
  11. (ToA) Why did Jason die?
  12. (MCGA) What does “al-Abbas” mean?
  13. (PJO) What is Annabeth's fatal flaw?
  14. (TKC) Who is Felix Philip?
  15. (HoO) What was the “oath to keep with a final breath”, and who said it?

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