How Much do you really know about Rick Riordans books?

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HEY HEY HEY!!!! More of Rick Riordan! Its EmmaTheEmpath with a quiz of all Ricks books in there! Please use your BRAIN!! i dont want anything lower than a 50 %!

PLEASE send feedback!! I want to know how you liked it or if you disliked it!! If your a Rick Riordan super fan, GIVE THIS A LIKE!!! and a good review!

Created by: EmmaTheEmpath
  1. Do Percy Jackson and the Kane kids ever have a cross over?
  2. Whos blood does Walt have? What Pharaoh?
  3. Which one of Annabeth's relatives is evil?
  4. In what book does Percy have to babysit baby Estelle?
  5. What is Nico's older sisters name?
  6. Who is the son of Apollo?
  7. What is the mur-cow's name that Percy saves in book four?
  8. In chapter four of The Hammer of Thor its says A _______ runs me over. Fill in the blank
  9. Can Magnus control light?
  10. FINAL QUESTION!!! Is My name (Emma) From a Rick Riordan book?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I really know about Rick Riordans books?
