The real Youkai Watch quiz

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Only made this quiz so wadda can finally be happy with her quiz result. Sadly i need to type at least 150 character in here :( so here some filler: piss rat

Gera Gera Po, Gera Gera PoWhoo!Gera Gera Po, Gera Gera PoCome On! So sit back, here's there's storyNate say "Hey Yo, no"Whisper go cracka-lacka-boom-boomThere's more Yo-Kai than taters in IdahoLike Cheeksqueek and his PopoFeel that there? Way down low?Fidgephant makes you need a quick commodeAll is Gera Po, turn back the clock yoHa ha! See what we can seeOh my lost friend, who cares for himA home is what he so needsKids in this townThey have familyHe wants that safetyWith nightfall comes great dangerAnd things go from strange... To so much stranger!Gera Gera Po, Gera Gera PoYeah!Gera Gera Po, Gera Gera PoIt's easy, come On!Those Yo-Kai(Gera Gera Po, Gera Gera Po)Make life awry(Gera Gera Po, Gera Gera Po)Cause he's got that Yo-Kai...(Gera Gera Po, Gera Gera Po)Yo-Kai Watch!

Created by: Nurarihyon
  1. Which yokai do you like?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. If you were a yokai, what would you do first
  4. If enma was in front of you, what would you do?
  5. If a yokai watch Spin-off game would be realesed, who in your opinion should have the lead role?
  6. What yokai would you date?
  7. If you had the choice to fuse with a yokai, who would it be?
  8. Who is the hottest? :vvvvvv
  9. Who's yokai medal/ark you would like to have the most?
  10. Woah! You are a epic gamer! :). Did you like the quiz?

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