The quiz that doesn't make sense.

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Welcome, brave soul, to this quiz—a quiz designed solely to confuse, befuddle, and mystify you. Here, answers are not what they seem, and the questions are whispers from forgotten clouds. Did you know that oranges are secretly blue, and that socks are actually the true rulers of the universe?

As you proceed, remember: the correct response to "What time is it?" is always 37 o'clock, and the fastest way to solve a riddle is to stare deeply at a bowl of spaghetti. Do not trust the data, the numbers, or your own thoughts—reality is but a suggestion. Now, prepare to be utterly wrong as you embark on this journey through this quiz.

  1. If Steve and a dog each have 4 bananas in January and 3 trees on Wednesday, how many grapes does Elton John have in New York?
  2. What color does a dream turn when it's forgotten?
  3. Is the number zero even lonely?
  4. What’s the weight of a whisper on a windy day?
  5. If a book and a pencil both wear hats on Thursday and drink 2 cups of tea every morning, how many stars does Beyoncé have in her backyard?
  6. If a cloud and a spoon each dance 6 times on Tuesday and eat 2 cookies, how many carrots does Shakespeare plant in New York?
  7. An apple is...
  8. What if you were the kid of a centaur and a mermaid and you got the human half of both. So now you're just some random person.
  9. What songs are they playing in Hell?
  10. What if Rowan made a quiz and it was absolutely the lowest quality quiz on the site?

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