The Quiz of Loyalty

This is simply a quiz on being a loyal friend. Find out how loyal you are on this amazing quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be labelled Loyal or Unbelievably Dishonourable.

Follow @AnakinSkywalk00 on Twitter or XAsk @GoldMan#0707 on discord for a server invite.Just chill and enjoy your time as you take this surprisingly long to make quiz, appreciate it!

Created by: Quizmebaby
  1. Burning building, who's life do you save?
  2. How far would you go to save your best friend?
  3. If you got juicy gossip about your best friend (such as they wet the bed or they wear nappies) would you spread it?
  4. A literal bullet is heading for your best friend, you can save them by jumping in front but it will pound your chest, what do you do?
  5. Your best friend is crying, what do you do?
  6. Your friend sends you a DM and go offline, they were apart of an argument and it mentions the name of the other side, what do you do?
  7. The rest will be challenges for you to do to your best friend.Give your best friend a hug
  8. Offer your best friend help with something random
  9. Smile over at your best friend
  10. Congratulate your friend on a small achievement (not so small that it seems obnoxious)

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