The Pro minecraft QUIZ!

This will test all your knowledge and only a true pro could finish this. This is the most ancient and recent knowledge of minecraft combined into one.

This is a quiz only for pros. If you are a normal player or a noob, you will never get a 100 on this quiz unless you cheat. Never cheat. This quiz is designed to test you Minecraft knowledge. Good chance and Good luck.

Created by: Aegis
  1. What is the achievement when you have every single effect active?
  2. What do you get when you kill a enderman with a looting 3 sword.
  3. What are the ingredients needed to make rabbit stew?
  4. What do you need to break obsidian
  5. What do you need to break ancient debris?
  6. what is the most common way to make a secret base with pros?
  7. How do you complete the achievement: Serious dedication?
  8. How do you make a netherite sword the easiest way?
  9. How do you transform a diamond object into a netherite one?
  10. what boss do you need to kill for a nether star?

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