The Period Quiz!!!

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Here is my newest quiz, 'The Period Quiz'!! Pick the correct period and you'll get 100 percent. Pick the wrong, and you'll get zero!! Bet you are not going to get past 85!

Want to try your luck??? Will my wish come true, or will yours??? Will you score high or low?? There is only one way to find out-take it!! I wish you bad luck!!

Created by: amazon

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Choose the correct period.
  2. Choose the correct period.
  3. Choose the correct period.
  4. Choose the correct period.
  5. Choose the correct period.
  6. Choose the correct period.
  7. Choose the correct period.
  8. Choose the correct period.
  9. Choose the correct period.
  10. Choose the correct period.

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