Other EMA Character Quiz

Alriight! If you haven't already taken the other EMA character quiz, I'm sorry I can't put the link in here o.o Ask one of the members of EMA at aboutema period webs period com (no spaces) by commenting on one of their pages. This is another one like that!

If you've ever wondered which character you were most like in EMA's We Three Heroes series, here's your chance to find out! Who are you most like out of the main heroes? (NOTE: this quiz only includes a few of the heroes)

Created by: Ember
  1. Hobby?
  2. Do you like hanging out with people of the opposite gender or same gender better?
  3. Would others consider you more of an introvert or extrovert?
  4. Emails or letters in the mail?
  5. Where would you rather vacation?
  6. Weapon of choice against a pack of zombies?
  7. People like Asher=
  8. Which one would you rather be?
  9. Would you rather have:
  10. Which one would you most likely do if I suddenly said "DUCK!!!!"?
  11. Would you rather be:

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