The perfect man for you

There are some people who just know when the one is standing right in front of them but for others its quite difficult cause you just have NO CLUE! So I've made a quiz to help you out :)

Hope you enjoy my quiz and I hope you are gonna get the answers you are hopeing for :) it takes forever to make so I hope you enjoy the effort quiz I made ahaha! Make on yourself sometime..... Its much better than it sounds!

Created by: Carmel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like in a man?
  2. Perfect date?
  3. Colour hair?
  4. Colour eyes
  5. Sterotypicle you?
  6. Your dream wedding?
  7. Age?
  8. Fave music?
  9. Are you against bisexuals or gays
  10. For my first quiz..... Was this okai???

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