the nae nae quiz

There are a lot of smart ppl and a few true genius. A genius is a extraordinary clever mind! Even if on is not a genius they can accomplish goals and solve complex problems, and can read complex knowledge.

you are a great genius you could attreave your dreams. and you can do greater good you were brung down in this world for a reason and that reason is minutes until you find out.

Created by: the i like cookies
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you do all day?
  2. what to do when you get prank called###!!
  3. what to do when you are forced to eat vegetables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. what to do when you are at the movies?????????
  5. what to do when you are stuck with a annoying cousin????????????????
  6. what to do when you are stuck in traffic?
  7. what to do when you do not like going to college parties?
  8. what to do when you like a favorite song?
  9. what to do when you fall down off the stairs and it was your older brother or sister? or younger brother or sister?
  10. what to do when you are home alone?

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