The Minecraft quiz

This quiz is awesome right I like minecraft that is why I made this test of quiz. Watch thediamondmincraft on YouTube it's fun to watch and stampylongnose

Watch thediamondmincraft,stamplongnose,and Iballisticsquid on YouTube and subscribe to them and tell that Flash Sqaud sent y'all to subcribe and you win Internet high five

Created by: Flash squad
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you play minecraft
  2. What is the main player you play with
  3. How much does minecraft cost
  4. What minecraft's birthday
  5. What do you play (console)
  6. Do you have dogs as pets
  7. Do you use wood to make a house in survival
  8. You find diamond what do you do
  9. Whats tnt
  10. Last question did this test rule or stink

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