The Mer Prophecy (Part 4) | Comments

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  • PUFF HANGER! Really? Its cute puff!. Things are getting interesting and plz don't dance and start making the next part. And wait. . . I got some news for ya! You got some serious competition in me. I know you are wondering for what! For none other than Dancing! *teases Puff by turning up the volume of sexy and i know it, lip-synching, bobbing my head to the beat and dances crazily*

  • *sings* loovveedd it! A puffhanger? Oh noes, those are more suspenseful than the ordinary cliffhanger o.o Anyway, while I wait for part 5... *grabs popcorn, slurpie, and candy corn* *watches dance battle*

    P.S. Haha, I guess I am really pushy if I'm able to almost *cough* push you out of your chair through a computer screen XD You enjoyed that Blake time, right? ;)

  • Hmm very intriguing and woah that's a lot of mer's they left behind *shakes head. Okay moving on I only have one request. WRITE MORE!!! Sorry it's just to d**n interesting. Oh and Jayden gave up on challenging you, he declares you the queen of dancing. Jayden get in here! (Jayden: No I don't want to I refuse to go.)

  • I can't wait for the next one!!!! I loved it, (as always)!! I can't wait to see what happens next! It was great But you really had to end it there!!!! Didn't you?!??!?! Will the next one be out soon?!?!?!? I hope it is!! I have been dying to read this!!!!

    Thank you!!! With 'Crack of Dawn' and 'Home for the Hunted' I jut been really busy. I am doing a play. I have only 2 more to do then I am done :(! But then I get more time to write!!! Oh I guess you really didn't wait

    to hear that! Still thank you! I should stop writing now!! I always get off topic, don't I? Sorry for over sharing!!!!! !!

  • Edmund's 15? (you: yes) i'm the same age (you: uhh no i know were you are going with this) *pouty face* i could be his gf you know just make a character- (you: uhhhhhhhhh i'll think about it *not really thinking about it*) oh ye, check out my quiz the one with the shoutout *dances to Party Rock, Rack City, Bass Down Low*

  • @ aqua yes i've been in dance battle with puffball from the beginning and i'm still queen *cupid shuffles*

  • @angelic4 seriously? I don't think so! I actually meant it for Puffie. I'm the undisputed dancing queen.

  • Oi! me still dancing queen :P


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