The lovely Mystery you!

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This is a quiz in which you will find your inner spirit of one of the following… whatever result you get I personally wrote something that will hopefully help boost your spirit to keep going the way you are.

This is a quiz in which you will find an amazing person who makes you you. Meaning it makes you know and realize what you are and why it Is special. Have Fun! 🌺

Created by: Evelyn
  1. You walk along to a place you wish to explore and hear something strange would you…
  2. Someone walks into a room and you feel in your gut something is wrong do you…
  3. If your friend talks about something with you and you don’t agree you would do what…
  4. If you want to go out to the mall or the movies with a friend how would you decide on what to do and what to see…
  5. Would you rather stay at home and watch a movie with friends or go and do something that would make you feel an adrenaline rush…
  6. To go on vacation would you visit…
  7. If you could would you…
  8. For a new snack would you combine…
  9. To travel back in time or to the future you would choose…
  10. If you were to be give a flower which would it be…

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