The Love Story of Darkfeather! Part 1!

In this quiz you are a new kit called Darkkit. You are a tom-kit and you are growing up with two older she-kits, Stormkit and Pumpkinkit. You will choose your fate: Will you be Stormkit’s mate? Pumpkinkit’s mate? A medicine cat, with no mate? Forbidden love! You decide!

There will be more, this is only the first in a series. For this you are a kit, but there will be more when you are an apprentice, a medicine cat, a medicine cat with a forbidden love…You can choose your own destiny! But it all depends on what you choose here and now. You are a handsome tom called Darkkit, a white cat with black patches, and gleaming yellow eyes.

  1. Your name is Darkkit and you are an only kit. You have just opened your eyes, you look out of your nest for the first time and two older she-kits, Stormkit and Pumpkinkit, looking back at you. You think:
  2. "Is this the new kit? It's tiny!" meows Stormkit. "Yes, Stormkit, but he will grow." Pumpkinkit, Stormkit’s sister, replies calmly. Then, she says, “Hey, Darkkit, do you want me to show you around the camp?”
  3. If you chose to let Pumpkinkit show you do this. Pumpkinkit shows you all around the camp, and when she gets to the last den she stops. "This is where I'll be sleeping soon," Pumpkinkit meows. You think:
  4. If you chose to ask Stormkit to do this: "Yeah, sure!" Stormkit mewed, glancing triumphantly at her sister Pumpkinkit, who had a sad look on her face. You follow Stormkit out. She shows you around the camp and finally she gets to the last den and stops. "This is the apprentices' den, where I'll be sleeping soon," she mews proudly. You think:
  5. "Stormpaw! Pumpkinpaw!" Yowls ShadowClan. Stormkit and Pumpkinkit have become apprentices! You are the oldest kit in the Clan, the only other kit is the newborn Rosekit. In fact you named Rosekit, who is your cousin. You see Stormpaw and Pumpkinpaw being overwhelmed with cats and you:
  6. If you asked one of them to share prey they refused, looking quite taken aback by the fact you're a kit, but blushing. No matter what you chose your mother ushered you back to the nursery, where you have set up a training wall. Your next move is to:
  7. Which pelt color do you prefer?
  8. Which cat do you prefer? Who would you choose to spend time with?
  9. Random questions! What is your favorite KOTLC book?
  10. What is your favorite WOF protagonist out of these?
  11. Which warrior cat do you like the best? The original three!
  12. Which one of my favorite Warrior Cats do you like the best?

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