the kalashnikov ak-47 quiz

there are a lot of people that think they know ak's but you will never know until you take this quiz! come on it will just take a couple seconds take the quiz!

your a genius its like you made the ak-47 your self! wow that really cool you must be a genius!you have to like guns to ace this test like a professional.

Created by: waylon evans
  1. what is the ak-47 cartridge?
  2. what is the ak-47 action?
  3. what country invented the ak-47?
  4. the designer of the ak-47 was Mikhail kalashnikov.
  5. what is the regular capacity of a ak-47 magazine?
  6. are there civilian versions of the ak-47
  7. what is the best sights for an ak-47
  8. ak's are
  9. about 15 armies use it today
  10. its posable to buy an ak-47 for $12
  11. did you like the quiz

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