Where Will You Work? by brenson

So have you ever wondered... Well where will I work? Well here is not a hoax this is for real life maybe not all jobs but the basics. So this is telling you what sort of job you will have when you are older than 18.

It takes smart people to do good and dumb people to do bad be honest and after do something wild. You will find out what job you will get in like a couple seconds so time is ticking...

Created by: brenson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you prefer?
  2. What do you like to do?
  3. Why do what you do?
  4. How hard to you work in your own words?
  5. How smart are you?
  6. Skip this
  7. Who do you prefer?
  8. How cool am I?
  9. Check out my youtube at nerf bros123.
  10. Final question what year were you born.

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Quiz topic: Where will I Work? by brenson