the insane quiz of insane things

This quiz is about insane things and it is for insane poeple. if you think you fit into theis category this quiz is for you. it starts off fairly normal then goes completely bonkers.


Created by: Daniel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. One day yo are walking home from work and you are attacked by a random stranger what do you do
  2. you get a mysterious phone call at 2 oclockin the morning
  3. you are given a letter it says dhgAUYSDGCPIWEGDCIUFasPYGcyuxgbdchbnMZXvoywaesgfizuhgdcasuvhebfsriygsdkjv bnvk6ijgh`va[dsi
  4. You go downstairs for a rink and stand on a nail
  5. your tv explodes while watching your favourite soap
  6. what is the capital of aebdfIEGVFSGYDVCU5VXZCSUHGvqousdcl vqso
  7. you see a man weasal fighting
  8. you have just bought a new jag and you crash into a dike
  9. you grow another head what do you do
  10. you have a sudden craving for human flesh

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