Are you insane(Sanitity Quiz)

Alot of people like to know if there sane or insane. What does those mean. Insane is basicly crazy werid.And sane is normal.or you caould just be taking this for fun . Sorry for any speeling mistakes.

Are you smart. Are you sane. Or are you crazy. if you are crazy find out what type normal-Insane. Take the test it is amazing. Oh yea and it is really somrthing to be silly so yeah still take it.

Created by: Vikki
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You and a friend are talking and someone interrepts
  2. Youre in lunch and you see someone drop there napkin.You..
  3. What is the square root of 121 *4
  4. a boomb will explode.You...
  5. Whats ur name
  6. a teacher says something inportant but she is interrupted.You...
  7. a guy/girl says hi you...
  8. what is algerba
  9. the princeipal calls you down to the office you..
  10. Almost done

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Quiz topic: Am I insane(Sanitity Quiz)