THE impossible QUIZ

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hope you like Mac cheese because its gooey and your not and the quiz is finished so the next paragraph is nonsense so byeeee and bye and goodbye !!!!!

hkdmvbgjdfsucbgvjrdfhbv fhmgvchbfdbchfbcbdhfvcghdxjncdvbfdhd gfvcndbdh gbdfvs hjbvfdc vvdfshcggfvgdvchdyvxgcvdfcvgfdvcgfdcgdddfvgvnhfnghfbgdhtbgfvdsggsrvf

Created by: hello2upeoplebox
  1. how many holes in a polo?
  2. can a match box?
  3. who can take your money?
  4. money politics,and.....
  5. who did I vote for in the election?
  6. ____ onion
  7. when did I make this quiz?
  8. what is my fav color
  9. how many cheese on earth
  10. is water wet

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