The impossible quiz 3

This is a copy/series of the impossible quiz 1 and 2. There’s 30 questions and each question has a scientific answer and an option opposite of the impossible quiz

I don’t know what to put here. So… I’m going to put all the impossible quizzes. The impossible quiz, the impossible quiz 2, the impossible quizmas, the impossible quiz demo.

Created by: Brandon
  1. How many holes are in polo?
  2. How many holes are in this sentence
  3. Click the biggest one
  4. √letters in this sentence
  5. Where did you click on question four? Don’t scroll back
  6. What follows December 3rd.
  7. What sound does a liberty bell make?
  8. What can you put in a bucket to make it darker?
  9. What is the 8th letter of the alphabet
  10. 23+6=?
  11. Color in the correct order.ROBY
  12. Meal or no meal?
  13. Pick random!
  14. Save changes to ‘titled’?
  15. What smell is cardboard?
  16. Meow
  17. What are the pain ingredients in poo?
  18. What do you call a fly that never says F
  19. Can you get this question right?
  20. Mary rose is sad in pit
  21. Buget makes anyone…
  22. Brake?BRAKE?!
  23. Which is the in-incorrect spelling
  24. Forget: red, yellow, blue, blue
  25. Beijing?
  26. What is the digestive system?
  27. On the subject of Dracula, what is his least favorite food?
  28. (b)
  29. Which is false?
  30. My cat has a nose. How does it not taste?

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