Impossible Test: Less than 6% complete

Welcome to the Impossible Test: Less than 6% complete! Here, we will test your knowledge skills and focus, so it really isn't impossible. I know you will do your best.

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Created by: GoToIQ
  1. What comes up, but never comes down?
  2. What number goes up, but actually goes down?
  3. A bag costs $5, a book cost $7 and 3 lollipops cost $6. How much will you pay if you bought 2 lollipops and 3 bags each containing a book?
  4. What was the answer to no. 3?
  5. What sticks, but isn't sticky?
  6. How many questions do you think are in this quiz?
  7. What comes once in a second, twice in a lifetime, thrice in a quadrillion days but never in a million years?
  8. What drains in use, adds in peace and dies in accordance?
  9. What is the square root of letter I?
  10. What is X + L?
  11. Who invented fire?
  12. One of the four is a GPT AI
  13. What was the answer to no. 11?
  14. Tick the correct answer.
  15. Shakabu Manaya si dali Masaka
  16. What can be broken without being held?
  17. I am dirty when white but clean when black what am I?
  18. This answer was purposefully put wrong out of the correct answer. What is 1+1?
  19. What is the largest planet in the solar system?
  20. You've made it to the end! Congratulations! Choose the number 8 to finish off.

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