The Homer Simpson quiz

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Homer Simpson is a man, he is as average as any father raising 3 kids, but he is also very loving and willing to help. He, as any man knows likes a cold beer and some yummy donuts!

You must have the brainpower of Lisa to take this test! See how much you know about america's favourite donut eating, beer drinking yellow skinned father! You up for it?

Created by: Conor hall

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Homer's favourite beer called?
  2. Who is homer's true love?
  3. Where does homer live?
  4. Where does homer go for a beer every night?
  5. Where does homer work?
  6. What is the name of homer's dad? (not grampa!)
  7. Who is homer's nemesis? (Not Ned Flanders!)
  8. Who is homer's rival?
  9. Who is homer's hated son?
  10. In what sport does homer become Marge's rival?
  11. Last question, complete this quote: why you ******!

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