The Herobrine's Son Quiz

Hello minecrafters you will be going to a Minecraft server its called goldencraft heres the ip: play. Goldencraft. Co ok then you will come to me now this is ashwill321.

He is the scarist person ever but if you commet just put a server ip then you will be free ha and yeah so I hope you have a good night or morning or what ever.

Created by: Liam
  1. Is Herobrine's son/ashwill321 a creepypasta?
  2. What does Ashwill321 NOT Do to his victims?
  3. Is The Enderman herobrine's sons uncle?
  4. How did Ashwill321 becomed the son of Herobrine?
  5. What is your house made of?
  6. How good is Herobrine's son with a bow?
  7. How powerfull is ashwill321?
  8. How did ashwill321 kill he's own teammate?
  9. How did you escape from Herobrine's son?
  10. How did he kill you?

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