The Eugene Nerd Quiz

1. Nerds like things.Yes, liking things is cool!People who have a solid set of hobbies and passions are cooler. This is because what people like and do makes them more interesting.Also, those who have very few interests are, at least on average, less interesting.Ask somebody what they like and enjoy, and see what they say.People who are interesting give us a list of varied interests. Or even better, their eyes light up and they go on to explain something they love.People who like things are bursting to share them, and that’s great to see.2. Nerds do things (and often do them well).Another hot take…doing things is cool!Nerds meet up, in person or online, and do things. They have that weekly board game session, which they look forward to. They like it, it makes them happy. I can speak from personal experience when I say that the lowest points in my life were when I wasn’t doing anything. I didn’t have anything to enjoy.People with nerdy tendencies don’t just like traditionally nerdy hobbies. I have met many geek-types in China, and they are fun to be around. They have a lot of good things to talk about, and they are smart people.Even still, they often like a drink and a good time.Since I’ve been traveling Southeast Asia, most of the people I’ve met have had some geeky tendencies. These people love to travel and experience new things.They want to check out that temple or that event.They want to take in nature and feel connected with the world.They want to live without the…
Arthur Dent, whose house is about to be demolished for a planned road bypass, is lying down in front of a bulldozer when his friend Ford Prefect arrives and tells him that it is imperative that they go to the pub immediately. There Ford explains that he is actually from a planet near Betelgeuse and that another alien species, the Vogons, are about to destroy the Earth to make space for a hyperspatial express route. Meanwhile, Zaphod Beeblebrox, president of the Galaxy, and his human female friend Trillian steal the Heart of Gold spaceship. Ford and Arthur hitch a ride on a Vogon destructor ship, and Ford lends Arthur the electronic guidebook The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the GalaxyThe plot for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy42