The Douchemeter

How much of a douche are you? Do you think food appears out of air? Do you think pajamas are for sissies? Do you seek validation through online quizzes? Do any of these questions have anything to do with this quiz?

Well, take this quiz to find out! After all, if you know you aren't a douche, what a great way to confirm it to all of your friends when they don't believe your pretentious ass? Pretty soon everyone will take this quiz, and you won't fit in any more. Confirm your identity now!

Created by: Andrew
  1. You are from...
  2. You are...
  3. You see someone broke down on the side of the road. You will...
  4. When someone asks "Where does meat come from?", without thinking, your closest initial response is
  5. If you disagree with someone, you
  6. Your style of clothing is normally based on...
  7. When you get a chance to hold a baby of someone else's, you
  8. The second amendment...
  9. When answering a question in jest, you
  10. Your primary focus on finding a job for yourself is (assuming no immediate financial difficulty)...

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